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Strategy Meeting

Investing in the right tools for real estate.


We've found that the key to real estate investing is when an opportunity presents itself that you're able to run it through your "buy box," which is developed by having the right tools in your tool belt.

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What's inside the Reliant Way?

Home Buyer

Be the best prepared for when you decide to buy your first home, so you can build a great foundation.


Learn about building your investment team, due diligence checklist, when NOT to buy a property, and more.

Wealth Building

Use these frameworks to build a strong investing foundation. 4 Pillars of Real Estate, BRRRR vs BR...RR, 1031 exchange, etc.

Short & Mid term Renting

Learn how to effectively scale your real estate portfolio through short and mid term rentals.

Long term Renting

Whether you're self-managing or hiring a property manager, optimize your long term rental portfolio with this module.

Flip & Wholesale

Learn how to Flip or wholesale real estate. You'll learn which is the best option based on where you are in your journey.

All Programs

You will receive this:

  • Instant access to online programs
  • Instant access to all tools, SOP's and proprietary documents
  • Personal 1-on-1 assistance and support
  • Directory and Contacts for the Wealth Team
  • 60 min Wealth Building Consultation 
Get Started


To learn more about the Reliant Way Program, schedule a

Complimentary Strategy Call


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